In 2009 a British family living in a four-bedroom house became the subject of a subversive energy experiment about modern slavery.You and Your Slaves army of volunteers (The Human Power Station) furiously pedalled 100 bicycles next door to generate the needed energy.
The unsuspecting family, of course, had no idea they had been unplugged from a power grid fueled largely by fossil fuels.
At the end of the experiment many of the cyclists collapsed. Several couldn't walk for days. The peddlers actually consumed more energy in food than they generated by peddling.
Given that the average Canadian now consumes 24.7 barrels of oil a year with scarcely a blink of the eye, every citizen employs about 204 virtual slaves.
Jag tycker lite synd om mina slavar så dom får ledigt idag. Det är ju i alla fall söndag och solen lyser....
Ja, fast det var bara elkonsumtionen. Inte fossila bränslen till bilen...
SvaraRaderaRe Cornu
SvaraRaderaJag vet. Inlägget är bara ett tillfälligt mellanspel. Jag är medveten om transportsektorns dilemma som också är hela samhällets dilemma. Det blir mer om det framöver.